There are 2 kind of lists in Filetopia and each works differently:


This type of list is rendered once upon creation of your account and it can be refreshed at any time.  The program takes a snapshot of what is available at the time of creation in the list's shared folders.  Even though rendering is very fast, it may take some time for huge amounts of files and folders or if you select the "Calculate Checksum for files" option.  This kind of list is the preferred one if your files do not change much, if your list is very large (i.e more then 20.000 files) or if you have a slower computer.   Once created, it takes almost no resources from your system and it can be  opened or sent quickly.


This type of  list saves the shared paths and options and is rendered every time the list is requested by other users or opened by you.  For smaller lists that update their contents often this is the preferred option, as this type of list is always up-to-date.  If you have large lists or lists that need to have the checksum feature,  you should not use dynamic lists as they will take longer to send or open, and will use significantly more computer resources.

Dynamic lists are created by default, but you can change  them to static by checking the "Cache List" option in the list creation window