A Multi-List is information about a group of lists

If you share a large collection of files, it is a good idea to distribute your files among several smaller lists.  For example, say you want to share your e-book collection;  you can create lists for each e-book genre--non-fiction, fiction, biographies, manga, etc. Once these lists are created, you can easily create a multi-list.  Simply put, a multi-list is a list of your lists.  Multi-lists are very small and download almost immediately.  Multi-lists enable users to browse your shared files quickly, so they can find what items they want from your shared files they are interested in downloading, without getting a single large list, which can heavily tax a system's memory resources.  Mulit-lists can be used anywhere a dynamic or static list can, you can even make them your default list

To create a multi-list

  • In the Lists sidebar, inside the Mine tab, you can select several lists and press the Multi List button .   At least 2 lists must be selected that are not already multi lists.
  • Enter a name for your multi list.
  • (Optionally)  Right click over it and select: Make Default  to make it the default list.

To update an existing multi-list

  • Create the list again, but this time, also select the multi-list that you want to update.
  • The program will give you the list's name for the new list, that will overwrite the existing list.

NOTE:  If the contents of the lists change, you do not need to update the multi-list, as it will get always the latest content.  Only update it if you want to add or remove lists from the multi-list.