Voice Chat
Voice messages can be posted to all chat rooms as an alternative to text messages. To do so, press the voice button located at the bottom right of the chat, or the ALT-V key to start and again to end the voice recording.
While you keep pressing the button, everything you speak to the microphone is recorded and sent to the room.
The message is reproduced automatically as it arrives, and can be played again any number of times by pressing the play button. If you want to avoid this behaviour so the voice messages reproduce only when you press the play button, you can uncheck Options->Advanced->Chat->Play voice post automatically.
To stop the playback of a voice message, you can click over it. If you click in other voice posts while one is being reproduced, the later messages will queue and will begin playing in the order clicked once the current one is done. You will get a visual clue that a voice message is queued. To remove a message from the queue, simply click the message once more. Once the message is done playing, you will also get a visual clue (a check mark) next to the duration of the message.
Voice posts have a limited duration in public rooms with normal quality. In secure direct private rooms, the limit is raised both in terms of time and quality (as the information does not have to go through our chat servers).
You can save voice posts to your computer (as .ftaudio format files) in any room that has logging enabled. To do so, just press the save button, at the right of the voice post and enter a name for the sound file or press return to accept the auto-generated name. The saved audio files can be posted back to any room at any moment using the Sounds menu over the chat and selecting the first option: Recordings.
When logging a room, all voice posts are also recorded and can be played back when viewing the saved log.