The transfers window is the control center for all your global file sharing activities

From here you can have full control of all your downloads and outgoing file transfers.

You have several views of your transfers that you can choose from the upper selection bar:

  • All:  displays all recent transfers
  • Active: displays only that transfer that are currently being downloaded or uploaded
  • Downloading:  displays only the files being downloaded at the moment
  • Uploading: displays all your upload activity
  • Completed: shows only the files that have completed succesfully
  • Errored:  displays the files that have been aborted, or failed to download for whatever reason
  • History:  keeps a history of all your download and upload activity 

There is a clean transfers button that will remove from view all transfers that are not active at this moment.

Below the transfers list you have a graphical speed chart, that shows both the download and upload speeds.

A transfer summary line is below the chart; here you can see your current global upload and download speeds, in addition to the number of bytes that have been moved in both directions and the total files downloaded and uploaded.

A small version of this summary line is displayed at all times in the top bar of the program.  By clicking on this bar, you can always open the transfers window.

Another way to open the transfers window is by pressing F9 key.

The last and final way to access your transfers is by selecting Tools->Transfers in the Main menu 

In the Actions menu at the top right of this window you have many of the options found in the contextual menu over a transfer plus:

  • Float window:  This will float this window anywhere on the screen and it will remember the position and size for next time you want to float it.
  • Reset columns: Transfer window columns are highly configurable, you can adjust which columns are visible, in which order and what size they have.   This option will reset all columns to their default values.
  • Close server: This will close your file server and now allow any more incoming P2P connections to your files.
  • View Transfers Log:  This option will open your transfer.log file in an external viewer.  The transfer log keeps a log of all your file downloads and uploads.