You can send a message from many places:

  • Context and Actions menus of Chat, Contacts, Transfers
  • From the top menu: Tasks->Send Message
  • Pressing F6 
  • From the Messages sidebar, pressing the new message button

The new Message window

In the top line you can enter the recipient's user name.  Depending upon how you initiate sending the message, the user name may be filled in for you.  When entering manually, it has an auto-complete feature that uses all available groups and contacts to complete the recipient's name. 

Below, you have an editor similar to the one in the Wall or the chat.  And can use all the features present in those editors: font settings, colors, emoticons.  You can even paste pictures from the web or HTML (if you have those rights).

At the bottom right of the editor you will find a small check-box

This is called the auto-send check.  when selected the message will be automatically sent after you hit the Enter key.  This is convenient for casual messages, but if you want to make a larger message that includes new lines, you may un-check it and use the Send button when you are ready to post your message.  Your preference will be stored for future posts in walls or messages.

You may also bypass the auto-send by pressing SHIFT-Enter, in which case it will create a new line even if the check is selected.

Every time a message is sent, the recipient  will get a notification, so they have a chance to open your message and reply to it.

As soon as the message is sent, the screen transforms into a conversation screen.