To save you some typing, in case there are things that you repeat in your chat often,  like greetings,  room rules or your own server rules, maybe even commands.  you can have all these as custom messages.  They will appear in the chat Actions menu or the context menu (right click) over a user.

To edit these, you may go to Preferences->Custom Messages

A basic custom message is just a line:

Hello, welcome to my room.

You can customize the line to the selected user, using $Nick:

Hello $Nick, welcome to my room

You can also use the room's name to customize the message further using $Room:

Hello $Nick, welcome to $Room

You can create a custom menu entry name using ':' (colons)

Say Hello: Hello $Nick, How are you?

(the menu entry will just display "Say Hellow")

You can have an ALT-key combination to make it faster to use:

Say Hello,H: Hello $Nick, How are you?

(it will fire when you press ALT+H)  

You can use commands also in the line:

Sleep: /me is going to sleep... good night all!

If the line starts with ;  it will be ignored (can be used to add comments or disable temporarily some lines)

Blank lines will also be ignored

If the line starts with -  (minus) it will create a menu separator

If the line starts with + (plus) it means it is a continuation line

You may also use HTML in your lines.

You may use emoticons by starting the icon's name with _ (underscore)

An advanced example showing all these features:

; A whisper version of the rules command, activated with ALT-W

Whisper Rules,w:/whisper $nick, <h3>Welcome to $room $nick!</h3>

+ <h4> _house Some basic rules: </h4>

+  1)... don't worry|

+  2) Be happy _emoticon_love