Chat commands
Below is a list of available chat line commands for all regular users. All commands start with a forward slash ( / ). For example, /help.
- me: writes a line in first person, i.e: /me is working --> Support is working
- join(j) <roomname>: joins the specified room name
- sound <sound>: plays a sound in the room, the sounds menu over the chat is another way to do it
- clear: clears the chat screen, clear menu over the chat will do too.
- wall: opens the room's associated message wall
- index: opens the room content browser
- indexall: opens the room content browser for all joined rooms
- list: displays the list of public rooms
- whisper(wh) <user>, <text>: sends a chat line only to the specified user
- node: returns the network node you are connected to
- host: tells you the server or user that hosts the current room
- topic <new topic>: changes the room's topic
- exit: leaves the room
- quit: leaves the program
- help: displays help of chat commands
- welcome: shows the room welcome message
- search <file>: searches all room users for files that contain the search text.
- searchall <file> searches all joined room users for files that contain the search text
- away <away text>: sets away mode and optionally and away text message
- back: sets online mode
- status: changes the contact's status line
- profile <user>: will open the profile of a particular user, or your own profile if no user specified.