Chat users are displayed at the right side of the chat room, They display both chat room status and online status symbols:

The meaning of the symbols used are as follows:

  •  Owner: This icon identifies the room owner, which will always display on top of other users.
  •  Operator: This icon identifies an operator; they have full moderation and administration rights to the room, and they are displayed after the room owner.
  •  Helper:  This icon identifies a user with some moderation rights and they will be listed after the room's operators.  
  •  Firewalled:   This icon identifies a user that is behind a firewall/has limited P2P connectivity.  If firewalled, a user will have a difficult time accessing files, whether uploading or downloading. 
  •   Away: This icon identifies a user who is set to away status (i.e. they are away from their computer).
  •   Busy:  This icon identifies a user that has set busy status;  this user will not receive any status notifications.

Also, it is possible to have a personal status symbol in addition with a chat status symbol.   And the firewall indicator will also combine directly with chat status symbols, being possible to have all 3 symbols displayed at once:

If a user's name appears dimmer than others in a user list, this means that the user is currently focused in another chat room and may not be reading what you type.  They will, however, receive activity notification and will be able to read it later.