To post a new topic to a the wall, press the Post button.

This will open an editor similar to the one in messages or chat.  Like messages and chat, you have many features available to you in the wall editor, including: font settings, colors, emoticons, or even pasting pictures from the web or HTML (please note you must have operator rights in order to post HTML).

At the bottom right of the editor you will find a small check-box

This is called the auto-send check.  when selected the post will be automatically sent after you hit the Enter key.  This is convenient for small posts, however if you want to make a larger post that includes new lines, it's best to un-check it and use the Send button when you are ready to post your message.  Which ever you choose, your preference will be stored for future posts in walls or messages.

You may bypass the auto-send function by pressing SHIFT-Enter, this will create a new line even if the check is selected.

Every time a message is posted in a room, every room administrator will receive a notification, so they can answer it or moderate it as needed.