While using the program, as you interact with other users and they interact with you, some events may occur that require of your attention.

To ensure these interactions are not disruptive or annoying, the program will present these events as small, animated floating windows that will pop-up for just a few seconds.  They then hide in the status bar until you view them.

This is what we call notifications.   There are many notification types, some are just informative, and some request that you take action. 

This is an invitation to a private chat

In this notification, a user wants to send you some files

This is an invite to join a public room

Here a user just sent you a message

This is a notification that a user sent you a file.

In case you don't deal with them right away, they will accumulate and will be shown at the top, in the notifications button:  

By clicking them, they will show in a scrollable list format:

You will be able to review all your pending notifications, process those you want, discard those that don't interest you or even clear them all at once with just a click.  You will also be able to see the notifications history for the current session.